Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back home

We got back around 3 p.m. Monday. I'm sorting through clothes, pictures, spoiled food and hundreds of emails at work.

I promise more later, but here's a sampling.

Rehearsal dinner with Sarah and Mom.

Hair salon with the bridesmaids (that's Peggy, back right, who posted the fabulous guest blog with the photos!)

Cake eating! I loved the cake and thought it was beautiful!

Luau in Maui!

Oh, just an FYI: My church doesn't allow photos to be taken during the wedding (other than the official photographer) so I don't have any photos from that. Besides, these are from my camera and I was a little busy. (Thanks to my sister, who took charge of the camera wedding day, for some of the shots!)

1 comment:

  1. Your wedding looked beautiful - congratulations! I am a bride to be (in 2008) and I've been following along during your planning process. Glad to see everything went well. Cheers to the new bride and groom! :)
