Since I haven't been doing a whole lot directly related to the wedding this week, I thought I'd take this post to talk about the wedding party, fabulous ladies that they are. (The guys are great too, but maybe I'll have John help me with a post about them another time!)

My matron of honor is my younger and only sister,
Sarah, who
lives in Michigan (too far away!). I was in her wedding two years ago. Her husband, Dan, is also in our wedding. I'm very grateful for all the help she's been to me throughout this wedding planning. And she's a busy girl: This is the second of three weddings she is in in 2007. I couldn't ask for a better sister (or - the tides have turned - role model!), and I can't wait to enjoy the bachelorette weekend she (and Raegan) are planning!

My maid of honor is my college roommate,
Raegan. She lives in Normal, Ill. (which is also too far away!) Raegan and I have soooo many memories together. We've traveled to California, Arizona, the Bahamas, Texas, Louisiana, Indiana, various parts of Illinois, and back to Missouri (go Tigers) too many times to count. I can text her my frustration when our beloved
Tigers lose another last-second game, and she just
gets it!! We've also done multiple
races and
relays together, though she's a much faster runner!

One of my bridesmaids is my friend
Peggy, who I met after I moved to Cincinnati post-college. She is literally moving to Pennsylvania today (again, TOO FAR AWAY). Peggy and her husband, Jim (who's also in our wedding), have an adorable daughter, Maggie. I'm going to really
miss her for the two years they will spend in the Scranton area! Peggy is a fabulous mom and someone I hope to look up to (not just cuz she's lots taller than me) for advice if I am lucky enough to have a child.
My other two bridesmaids are John's younger sisters.
Mary got married a little over a year ago and lives in Lexington, where her husband is finishing up a degree. She's super fun and has a great witty way about her! Hopefully they will be moving back to Cincinnati over the summer, and we will get to see each other more often.
Anne is John's youngest sister. She is a freshman in college and she's only 16! She's probably the smartest person I know! She's one of those people you can carry on a conversation with about nearly any subject imaginable. Plus she's very fun, flexible and up for a variety of activities. I just know for the pottery painting part of my bachelorette day, her item will probably be the most creative!
We're not finished asking all the people we'd like to have participate in other areas of the wedding (reading, communion distributing, singing, etc.) But I want to talk about several who have been asked and have accepted who are important people to me.

One of our singers is
Deanna, who has been an awesome friend to me for about 8 years, since she moved to Cincinnati post-college. (Yes, Deanna. You're awesome. Otherwise, I wouldn't have
helped you move 12 times.
Or 4. Whatever.) Deanna is one of those people with an amazing spirit about her. You can talk to her about anything and know she will accept you wherever you are coming from!

While I had friends before her, none have stuck around as long as
Liz. We have been friends since 1982!!! That is a long time. She is going to do a reading at the wedding. Liz lives in Minnesota (T.F.A!) with her husband Jay and their two beautiful children, Grace and Tyler (so I haven't met Tyler in person yet, but he's a good looking kid in pictures!). I don't get to see Liz or talk to her as much as we used to, but when we do it's like old times (
um, not that we have dirt on each other or anything ...) , and I'm so glad she's making the trip "home" for our wedding.
Katie B. is going to distribute communion at the wedding. We've been friends since 2000 and spent 6 years volunteering together every Wednesday night. She and her husband, Craig, and their adorable daughter, Abby, moved to Pittsburgh (tfa) last summer, and I miss her and her mutual ISFJ-ness. I have talked to KMB about so many things over the past 7 years ... she's a great listener. And depending on who is telling the story, I am instrumental in her
meeting her husband!
While there are definitely others who will be important in our wedding, these are some of the ladies who I am
so glad are sharing our day with us.