Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hurry up and Wait

Took a break from the wedding plans to spend the weekend with 17 teenagers on a church retreat. That sorta makes wedding planning seem easy! Actually the kids were great and the setting was beautiful - and thank goodness it didn't rain! I could've done some wedding work on Sunday, but instead John and I went on a 21-mile bike ride from Newtown to north of Milford. Such a gorgeous day.

Tonight we were supposed to meet with the priest who is presiding at our wedding, but I stayed home from work sick. Thankfully I'm feeling mostly better by now, but I spent most of the day in bed and on the couch. We decided to reschedule. I wasn't sure if I'd be up for a meeting tonight. So now we'll meet with him next Tuesday!

In other wedding news, shower invitations for the first shower have gone out, and I talked to my sister about the bachelorette weekend last night.

I know there are a few things we'll need to do within the next week or so - including looking at wedding rings! Plus we need to start picking out music for the ceremony, the readings, etc. And we still need to ask a few people to do things like the readings, distributing Communion, etc.

But right now, I'm really just waiting for things to come in - my dress, the bridesmaids dresses, the invitations.

I know things will kick into fast gear quite soon! Till then ...

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