So much for the 2 1/2 week ordeal. I got my real ring back yesterday, and it's all shiny and polished and everything!
Turns out, the jeweler in California was going to charge too much, so it was less expensive for the jeweler here to use my family channel cut diamonds in a standard-order ring AND add a few more new diamonds. So no need to match it to my engagement ring. (It won't match perfectly, but that's OK.) And I gleefully picked it up yesterday on my way to the gym. Upon telling the jeweler I was off to swim, he got a look of horror on his face and said that I should NOT swim - or go in a hot tub - in the ring because the chemicals could eat away at it. He said a customer kept coming in because her diamond was loose and when he looked at the ring under a magnifying glass, the ring was just being eaten away. He asked if she'd been working with chemicals or what, and she'd said she'd just gotten a new hot tub ...
I know to some people a wedding/engagement ring is so sacred that they NEVER take it off to shower or swim or do dishes or anything. Any thoughts on this? I hate sleeping in jewelry. And I usually take the ring (and other jewelry) off to do all of the aforementioned activities. Is this bad? I sorta roll my eyes when I see someone's quote that "I got married on Jan. 1, 1999, and the ring has never left my finger." Really? Never? Apparently these women haven't been finger painting or throwing pots or kneading dough ... All things that I just wouldn't want to do while wearing a ring.
I'm interested in what married women think. How often does your ring leave your finger?
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I don't wear it to bed, or to cook, or sure to have a consistent place for it though, so you aren't running around the house yelling "where's my ring" and having your husband give you a horrid look!