Friday, April 13, 2007

This weekend: 11 weeks to go

Don't have a whole lot planned wedding-wise this weekend. Next weekend is a whole different story already, though.

I do plan to shop Sunday for wedding-related clothing and shoes. And there's still those thank you notes to write. I also learned (maybe I'm just stupid here) that if someone writes a check to two people, BOTH of them have to sign it, even if it's just being deposited. I thought it was only if you were trying to cash it. Yeah, I got a check returned that was given to us for our wedding. So I guess I'll be heading back to the bank to (again) deposit it, now that John has signed it.

We'll also be tackling updates on the invitation list. Several people have moved, and we were missing a few addresses when we "finalized" the guest list.

The next two weekends we will probably be compiling, stuffing, labeling the invitations, etc. Yes, I know it's probably bad etiquette, but we are using labels. I wish I had the time to hand calligraphy the invitations, but that would cut into the sleep that I am already sorely lacking. If people want to judge me for that, well, they need a hobby!

We are going to include the directions in the invitations. (Unfortunately, all the map programs I tried do not route to the correct location for the church.) We'll also probably include some recommended ideas for what else to do in Cincinnati that weekend - conveniently my job pretty much forces me to know what is going on!

The trivia question is, with the extra add-ins, how much will we have to pay for stamps? Postage is going up May 14 so we HAVE to get them in the mail before then (probably would be anyway). Unfortunately, we'll have to put the new postage rate stamps on the reply card envelopes.

Lastly: Just so I remember this summer isn't ALL about our wedding (that's a joke), I'm going to a bridal shower for someone else tomorrow!

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