Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bee-in' busy

I took a break this evening from the wedding work to watch the National Spelling Bee. I actually watched part of it at the gym, but made it home in time to see the last few rounds and the winner. Darn kid didn't even LIKE spelling bees.

Have I mentioned I have a slight obsession with spelling bees? The kid won on serrefine1, which I did not know. I usually don't know the words in the final rounds, but I still kind of get sucked into watching it in a deep concentration. (Sorry, John, for making the conversation brief, but there were only two kids left when you called!) It would've been a dream come true for me to have made it to Washington in 1990, when I was eliminated during the regional bee in a round with 11 others of the 13 left. The word was "auscultation." I wish I had more opportunities to use that word! The director of the National Spelling Bee is speaking at Taft Museum in a few weeks. I'd love to go, but haven't found any fellow fanatics to go with me :)

So anyway, since this is brideblog, not spellingbeefanblog (ooh, I wonder if anyone has that?), I should update the wedding related stuff.

We got our license this morning, and it was fairly painless. We didn't have to wait in line; we just filled out the info on a computer, solemnly swore with our right hands raised that we were telling the truth, handed over some money and headed out with a bunch of paperwork. I'll get a picture of the license up soon; John has it since we went in his car.

I also had my first alteration appointment tonight. It went well, but I had to make decisions I hadn't thought about: how do I want the bustle to look? where do I want the hem to hit? how do I want the straps to look? It was a bit nerve racking, but I made all the decisions. After paying up, I was anxious to leave to get to the gym to watch the Bee, plus I had 3 phone calls I needed to make. But as I was walking out, a brideblog reader who was walking in recognized me. Sorry, June 23 bride, I didn't catch your name, but thank you for reading! If you send me an email telling me where you saw me, I'll send you some CiN Weekly gear for being the first person I didn't know to say hi and tell me you read the blog. I started laughing as I got to my car too, because I realized I was wearing the same shirt today as I have on in the picture over to the right.

1 Um, blogger spell check says serrefine is not a word. It obviously has not watched enough spelling bees.

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