Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Peripheral tasks of an absentminded bride

As I spent my lovely long 3-day weekend in almost constant motion, I started to analyze what I was doing. And this weekend made it abundantly clear that while, yes, getting married does involve a lot of preparation for "the day," many of the tasks that I am involved in as of late won't make a lick of difference to anyone who attends the wedding.

You know how there's that joke about what your day is like when you're getting older? I would sorta liken this kinda day to my weekend. I was up and down the stairs - basement, first floor, second floor - more times than I can count. See, for every new thing we get, we've been removing old hand-me-downs. So now I have boxes of those things (and we have some college student friends who are going to take some of the stuff, but I want to wait til we have more ready before they come and decide what they want) all over the basement. But we need to clean out the basement because we're going to get some storage shelves built (thanks Dad!). And my fabulous father and a construction-savvy friend of his are also going to reconfigure a small closet in the spare room that will become home to John's clothes. And that means we had to clean that out. And some of that ended up in the basement. So I decided we should put all the "give away" stuff in the garage. But first we need to clean the garage out of creepy crawlies and leaves. And maybe I should take all those plastic bags to be recycled.

Meanwhile, every half hour, another load of laundry would buzz, and I'd stop what I was doing to get that. And then the phone would ring. And I'd check my email. Ooh, and the homeowners insurance needed to be paid, and I may as well pay the other bills. And it's time for lunch. ...

When I wasn't haphazardly running around the house, I was shopping. I went to four malls. And I still don't have shoes. I'm pretty embarrassed by that. Today I'm going back to a bridal shop and probably spending more than I want to - tomorrow is the deadline; the dress fitting is Thursday. But, seriously the shoes are all too high, too low or too horrifically uncomfortable. WHY?!

So was I able to check much off the "list(s)"? Not so much. We have picked two of our readings for the Mass (just can't agree on an Old Testament one). I got $10 shoes for the rehearsal dinner, and I gave up on the blue cardigan and got a white one.

And today I talked to the photographer business and our DJ. And we confirmed plans to go get our wedding license on Thursday.

So things are going well. But I believe the absentmindedness is just going to increase. I will be finding half-eaten sandwiches in my bedroom, an old computer in the kitchen (actually, that was last week. It's now in the basement), a half-filled watering can in the hallway, a mattress cover in front of the TV and lists everywhere.

I still don't think I'm bridezilla, but I wouldn't recommend asking me any "why" questions in the near future (Why are there curtains on the couch? Why is there a crate with 3 computer mouses in the dining room? Why is there a trash bag full of clothes in the garage?) - Or I might decide the top of your head is a perfect new home for the old blue mixing bowl.

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