1. "What can I do to help?"
Even if you can't really help pick our first dance song or write our thank you notes, it's a super-nice gesture.
2. "You are beautiful. You will be a beautiful bride."
Sometimes we need to vent about our physical flaws. Reassurance is a nice touch.
3. "Are you getting excited?"
It's such a more positive question than "Are you stressed yet?"
4. "I sent my reply card in."
You are wonderful. Thank you!
5. "Thanks for inviting me to your wedding. I know it will be great. I can't wait."
Again, positive reinforcement does wonders.
6. "I love that (color/dress/song/bridesmaids jewelry)."
We really appreciate a positive opinion. Remember, if you can't say something nice, don't say it!
7. Nothing
Sometimes we need to vent about all the not-so-great things that have happened. A listening ear can do wonders for our sanity.
8. "Where are you going on your honeymoon?"
We can't wait, so we're glad to talk about this - our chance to relax!
9. "Let's hang out soon and catch up."
We're certainly up for chatting and catching up over coffee when we have a chance. We need to be drawn out of our wedding-crazed madness if even for a brief moment. We do want to know what is going on with our friends and family.
10. "Your wedding will be fabulous."
When we're overwhelmed, make sure we know this. We know it all won't be perfect, but it's nice to know you think our plans will lead to a memorable event.
Compiled from personal experience, the advice of friends and random thoughts. Some details changed to protect the innocent/guilty. Please take all of this in good humor!
Any more suggestions?
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